Each permission option is composed of three elements: a component, its functions, and their settings.
The components are listed throughout the page in the gold colored headers. The Digital Bell is made up of these components - Pages, Text Blocks, FAQs, and Files are all examples of components. By editing this page, you determine what a user can or cannot do with the components of The Digital Bell.
The functions are listed directly beneath each component. Add, Delete, and Edit are examples of functions. The functions list every potential interaction a user can have with the selected component. Add Pages, Edit Images, Delete Posts, etc.
The settings are radio buttons placed to the right of the functions. Each function has a setting - They are Default, Allow, and Deny. The setting determines whether a User can perform the given function on the selected component.
As an example: In the "Pages" component, setting the "Add" function to "Allow" will give the user permission to add new pages to the Website.
Built-in User Groups
The Digital Bell's built-in User Groups provide a base set of permissions, for Users with different requirements. This section lists the User Groups an Administrator can select from when creating or updating user accounts.
Before creating a new User Group, or assigning permissions from scratch, check to see if the following User Groups meet your needs (ex. even if a user is not a teacher, the "Teacher" group may meet your needs).
Teacher - Teacher users cannot access content created or uploaded by other users, unless given permission to access it. Teachers cannot permenently delete any content by default (it can be removed or deactivated, but will remain stored in the CMS). Teachers can access the following systems and components by default:
- "My Profile" (where applicable)
- Pages
- Text Blocks
- FAQs
- Photo Galleries
- Links
- Files
- Warehouse
- Documents
- Images
Faculty - User group for support staff/faculty members. Includes the permissions from the "Teacher" user group, and adds access to additional features. Like Teacher users, Faculty members cannot access other users' content without permission. The Faculty user group adds access to the following:
- Forms
- Calendars
- Posts
NOTE: Faculty users must be given access to the each Post Type they should be able to work with. See "Updating Post Type Permissions" for more information.
School Administrator - Includes all of the Faculty group's permissions, and is expanded to include access to all content and files that have been added by any user. The School Admin user group also adds access to the following:
- Labels
- User Administration
Website Administrator - This user group includes access to all of the Digital Bell's features and functions that are available to end-users. Like the School Admin, this group includes access to all content and files from any user, and is expanded to include the following:
- Athletic Calendar
- Reservations *(where applicable)
- Site Settings
- User Group Administration
District Administrator - This user group is reserved for administrators at the District level. The permissions are the same as those of a Website Administrator, but may also include special features that can only be accessed when logged into the District website (ex. Feature Groups that can sync news posts to all district websites).
- Administration System
- Athletic Calendar System
- Calendar System
- Pages System
- Posts System
- Site Tools System
- Warehouse System
- Forms (Warehouse Subsystem)
- Profiles (Warehouse Subsystem)
- Administration System
Administration - Refers to the "Administration" tab in the top menu, and its menu items. Can allow a user to view/edit the registered Users and User Groups.
User Groups - A component of the Administration menu. User Groups are used to apply pre-selected permissions settings to user accounts. Can allow a user to create/edit/select User Groups.
Users - A component of the Administration menu. These are the accounts that can be used to log into The Digital Bell. Can allow a user to create/edit user accounts, as well as add users to User Groups.
Return to Top - Athletic Calendar System
Athletic Event Types - Access to Event Types created for the Athletic Calendar (ex. "Boys Varsity Soccer").
Athletic Events - Access to Events belonging to an Athletic Event Type.
Athletic Facilities - Access to Athletic Facilites feature of the Athletic Calendar.
Athletic Genders - Access to the "Gender" feature of the Athletic Calendar (Ex. Boys / Girls).
Athletic Levels - Access to the "Level" feature of the Athletic Calendar (Ex. Varsity / JV).
Athletic Match Types - Access to the "Match Type" feature of the Athletic Calendar (Ex. Practice / Meet / Head to Head).
Athletic Opponents - Access to the "Opponents" feature of the Athletic Calendar (List of opposing schools).
Athletic Seasons - Access to the "Seasons" feature of the Athletic Calendar (Ex. Spring / Fall).
Athletic Sports - Access to the "Sports" feature of the Athletic Calendar (Ex. Basketball / Football / Swimming).
Return to Top - Calendar System
Event Types - Event Types are used to categorize Events. Can allow a user to work with Event Types.
Events - Can allow a user to work with individual Events, from an Event Type they have access to.
Facilities - A component of the Calendar feature. This component keeps a list of user-created Facility locations, which can be selected when creating an Event. Can allow a user to create/edit/select a Facility location.
- Pages System
Pages - Access to the Pages system. Can allow a user to view/create/edit webpages.
Page Types - A component of the Pages system. Used to categorize pages. Can allow a user to create/edit/select a Page Type.
Redirects - A component of the Pages system. Can allow a user to redirect a webpage to an internal or external page.
Return to Top - Posts System
Post Types - A component of the Posts system. Used to categorize posts (each post belongs to a Post Type). Can allow a user to create/edit/select a Post Type.
Posts - Access to the Posts system. Can allow a user to view/create/edit Posts.
Features - Access to Features - a component of the Posts system. Can allow a user to create/edit Feature Groups, as well as the ability to "Feature" a post (selection of a Feature Group).
Moderation - A feature of the Comments system - a subsystem of Posts. Can allow a user to moderate the comments left on a post.
Themes - A component of the Posts system. Themes are collections of images that automatically attach themselves to post. Can allow a user to create/edit Themes, as well as select a Theme for a post.
Return to Top - Site Tools System
Settings - A component of Site Tools. Contains site-wide options and settings, such as Footer Text, From Address, and Google Analytics keys. Note: Access is recommended only for Administrator-level users.
Site Tools - Access to the Tools tab in the main menu. Includes Labels and Site Settings (Settings) components.
From Addresses - A Site Setting. Can allow a user to access/edit the email address that all automated email messages are sent from (Ex. a form's automated "Thank You" email will be sent from this address).
Label Types - A component of the Labels system. Categorizes the site's Labels. Can allow a user to create/edit/select a Label Type.
Labels - Access to the Labels system.
Return to Top - Warehouse System
Warehouse - The Warehouse is used to store multiple types of data in The Digital Bell. Data types include - Images, Documents, Profiles, Text Blocks, FAQs, Links, Forms, and Developer Actions. Can allow a user to access the Warehouse menu tab.
Files - A component of the Warehouse. Can allow a user to upload/access/edit Warehouse files (Documents / Images).
Documents - A direct subcomponent of "Files." Can allow a user to work with Document-type files (.pdf / .doc / .xls).
Image Sizes - A component of the Images system in the Warehouse. Can allow for the creation/editing/selection of Image Sizes.
Images - A component of the Warehouse. Can allow a user to work with image-type files (.jpg / .png / .gif).
FAQs - Access to the "FAQ" content element.
Developer Actions - A content element. Developer Actions perform a customized function, such as automatically displaying a list of bus routes and times.
Links - A component of the Warehouse (not to be confused with links that can be added to text). Can allow a user to create/edit Link Groups (all Link Group links are stored in the Warehouse).
Text Blocks - A component of the Warehouse (all Text Blocks are stored in the Warehouse). Text Blocks are a content element used to add text/images to a page. Can allow a user to add/edit/view Text Blocks in the Warehouse.
- Forms (Warehouse Subsystem)
Forms - Access to the Forms system.
Form Instances - Access to the "Instances" feature of the Forms system.
Form Reports - Access to form submission statistics.
Return to Top - Profiles (Warehouse Subsystem)
Profile Role Element Groups -
Profile Roles - A component of the Profiles system. Can allow a user to create/edit/select a Profile Role.
Profile Types - Allows an administrator to create categories for different profiles (default Profile Type is "Staff").
Profiles - Access to the Profiles system - a subsystem of the Warehouse (all Profiles are stored in the Warehouse). Can allow a user to view/create/edit Profiles in the Warehouse.
My Profile - A component of the Profiles system - a subsystem of the Warehouse. Can allow a user to create/edit their own Profile, and publish a Profile page (personal webpage).
Return to Top
Generic Functions
Add - Create the component.
Delete - Delete the component. *This must be used in conjuction with either "Delete Own" or "Delete Any"*
Delete Any - Delete any component of the listed type, even those owned by other users.
Delete Own - Delete only those components of the listed type that the user has ownership of.
Directory - View the list of element Types (Post Types, Page Types, Event Types) that the user has ownership of.
Edit - Edit the component. *This must be used in conjuction with either "Edit Own" or "Edit Any."
Edit Any - Edit any component of the listed type, even those owned by other users.
Edit Own - Edit only those components that the user has ownership of.
Home - Add the component's drop-down menu (Administration / Site Tools) to the user's Dashboard.
List - View the list of existing components (Posts, Pages, etc.). *This must be used in conjuction with either "List Own" or "List Any."
List Any - List all components, even those owned by other users.
List Own - List only the components the user has ownership of.
Select - Select this type of component (Ex. from a drop-down menu or list - as when selecting a Facility when creating an event).
Publisher - Publish the component to the public-facing website. Without this permission, a user may be able to create a component with the "Add" permisssion (Ex. Pages, Posts, etc.), but cannot publish them to the website.
Properties - View and edit the properties of a component (Ex. clicking the "gear" icon to edit page properties).
Batch - Deprecated - The "Add" ability now allows for batch operations.
Batch Manage - Modify the batch-uploaded files directly after the upload process (update Title / Name / etc.).
Permissions - Edit permissions settings of a user or user group.
Component-specific Functions
Add Action - Add Form Actions to forms.
Add Field - Add Form Fields to forms.
Delete Action - Delete Form Actions from forms.
Delete Field - Delete Form Fields from forms.
Edit Action - Edit Form Actions.
Edit Field - Ability to edit Form Fields.
Export - The ability to export form data.
Load - The ability to load a form from a .txt file (see "Save").
Reorder Fields - The ability to reorder form fields (drag and drop).
Save - The ability to save a form in .txt file format.
Edit File - The ability to edit a file.
Replace File - The ability to replace a file.
Upload - The ability to upload a file.
Image Sizes
Get Image Size -
Create - Two-part permission (See "Generate"): Creation of new image for newly created Image Size. If a new Image Size is created, existing images need to be retroactively updated to include the new size.
Generate - Two-part permission (See "Create"): Add the "Generate" link to each Image Size that does not yet exist for the selected image (occurs when new Image Sizes are created). Performs the action associated with the "Create" permission.
Replace File - Replace an image in the Warehous with a new image file. Images that are replaced in the Warehouse are updated wherever they have been added to the website.
Profile Roles
Page - The ability to access the user's personal webpage through the Profiles section. Allows for publication and editing.
Connect Admin - The ability to connect a User account to a Profile.
Disconnect Admin - The ability to disconnect a User account from a Profile.
Allow - Gives the User permission to use the function with the selected component.
Deny - Prevents the User from using the function with the selected component.
Default - This is used in conjunction with User Groups. Reverts the setting to the User Group's default. If a User does not belong to any User Groups, this will always default to Deny.