How do I rearrange the pages in a menu?

Your pages may include a  "Related" or "Related Links" sidebar with link to associated pages. By default they are listed in the order pages were created, but they can aslo be manually reorganized.

Related Links example

Please view the "Ordering Subpages" tutorial for instructions on how to choose the order in which pages are listed in these menus.

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How do I log in for the first time/reset my password?
The steps below explain how to set a password for your new account, or reset your existing password.
1. Visit and click the "forgot your password?" link.
2. Next, enter your login email address, and click the "Continue" button. If you do not know your login email address, ask the website administrator or IT department.
3. Check your inbox for an email with further instructions.

4. Follow the instructions to set a new password, then return to to log in.
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How do I add a YouTube video to my page?

The Text Block element can be used to add a YouTube video to your page. Begin by uploading your video to YouTube. Once the video has been uploaded, view the page for the video, then click the "Share" link, located below the video itself.

Next, click the "Embed" option in the pop-up window.

This will bring up a new window, which contains the embed code. Click the "Copy" button in the lower right corner to copy the embed code.

Once you have the embed code copied, return to The Digital Bell and edit the content of the page you wish to add the video to. Next, add a new Text Block Group to the page by clicking the "Text Block" link, under the "Add Content" heading in the right margin. After clicking the link, a new Text Block group will appear on your page.

If necessary, position your new Text Block group by clicking the "four arrows" icon in the upper left hand corner, and dragging the group to your preferred position on the page. If your page has a custom layout, use the section button, located under the "remove" link, to choose a page section.

Once you have positioned your Text Block group, click the "+New Text Block" button on the bottom of the group to bring up the editing window. In the editing window, click the "Edit HTML Source" button ("HTML" icon), located on the far right hand side of the third row of the WYSIWYG toolbar. Paste in the embed code you copied earlier, then click the "Update" button.

html source editor

You should now see the video within the Text Block. Finally, click the "Submit" button to add the video to the page.

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How do I remove a page for a class I no longer teach or archive a page without deleting it?

To remove an unneeded page from the site, begin by clicking the "Pages" tab (located in the menu at the top of your Digital Bell Dashboard). Pages removed with this method are not deleted, and instead become archived for future use.

Pages tab

Clicking the tab will bring you to the list of pages. Locate the appropriate page, then click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title.

Properties button

In the properties editor, locate the "Active?" option and change the setting to "No." Finally, click the "Submit" button on the bottom of the page to save your changes and deactivate the page.

active radio button option

To reactivate your page, return to your list of pages and click the "Show Search Options" link, located next to the "Quick search" box. After clicking the link, set the "Is Active?" option to "No," then click "Search."

search options

This will allow you to view a list of your deactivated pages. Click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the page you wish to reactivate. Locate the "Is Active" option, and select the "Yes" radio button, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Submit." This will reactiate your page and bring you to the page's content editor.

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How do I change the number of slides in the "Featured" gallery on the homepage?

The steps below explain how to increase the number of slides on the homepage. 

1. Begin by clicking the "Pages" tab, located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page. This will bring you to a list of the site's pages.

2. Here, locate the page titled "Home," and click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the Home page's content editor.

3. Here, locate the "Post Type Group" element (with the "News" or "School News" post type) near the top of the left side of the editor. Click the "Settings" button on the top right of the "Post Type Group." This will bring you to the Settings panel.

4. In the first tab (Display Options), locate the "Items to Display" option, and click to select the new number of slides (10, 15, etc.).

5. Finally, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the Settings panel to complete the process.

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How are unused or empty content sections removed from a page?

If a block of content on a page needs to be removed:

Click on the Remove link on the right margin just outside of the content. 

The Remove link will take the content section off of the page, but be careful.  Do not remove content blocks with valid content within them as this action cannot be undone.

remove content

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How do I update my Profile information?

After logging into The Digital Bell, locate the "My Profile" section on your Dashboard. In this section, click the "Edit your Profile" link. This will bring you to the Profile editor. 

Here, you can add or update your information using the provided fields (First Name, Last Name Email, etc.). Once finished, click the "Submit" button. 

For users that wish to add a link to an external page (separate from the internal Profile page linked from your name), a URL can be entered in the "Website" field (ex. This link will automatically be added wherever your profile is displayed.

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How do I share a file that I have uploaded?

You can share a direct download link to any of the Document files that have been uploaded to the Warehouse. Anyone with the link will be able to view or download the file without needing to visit the website or logging into The Digital Bell. Please click the link below to view the tutorial:

Sharing a File

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How do I add a new link to an existing list?

Some Digital Bell pages include a list of links by default, such as your school's home page. The following steps explain how to add additional links to the list:

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, click the link labeled "Pages," located in the menu at the top of the page.

2. From the list of pages, locate or search for the page that contains the list. Once you have found the appropriate page, click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the page title. This will bring you to the page's content editor.

3. In the content editor, scroll down until you find the "Link Group" content element. Next, click the button labeled "+New Link," located at the bottom of the group.

add new link button

4. Use the "Add Link" form to enter your title and add the URL in their respective fields. The "Description" field can be left blank, unless you would like additional information to appear under the link. Note, if you are linking to another page from your Digital Bell site, set the "External" option to "No."

5. Once you have entered the information for your link, click the "Submit" button to add it to the list.

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How do I update the bell times or contact info at the bottom of the website?
Please see the "Updating Footer Text" tutorial, which will explain how to update the bell times, location/contact information at the bottom of the website. Return to Top
How do I add blog posts/daily messages to my page?

If you have requested a blog, or a section to display daily messages on your page, the following steps will explain how to create new blog posts/messages. If you would like to add a blog to your any of your pages, contact and let us know which page you would like the blog added to.

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, click the link labeled "Posts" in the menu at the top of the page. Clicking this link will take you to your Post Type directory.

2. In the directory, locate the Post Type for your blog. This Post Type will usually be titled "(Last Name) Posts" or "(Last Name) Blog." Once you have located the correct Post Type, click the "Add new post" link, located under the Post Type's heading. Clicking this link will bring you to the post creation form.

3. In the post creation form, title your post, then select the creation/publication date. The body of your post will be entered into the "Content" field.

4. Once you have added the post's content, click the "Submit" button to add the post to your page.

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How do I add a new Faculty/Staff Profile to the directory page?

If your Digital Bell site incorporates the "Profiles" feature, and uses it to manage your faculty / staff directory page, the following steps will explain two methods for adding a new faculty or staff member to the list. Before continuting, ensure the profile has not already been added to the directory - some directories make use of the Profile Groups' default feature of adding all profiles to the directory immediately after creation.

The first method of adding new profiles will apply to the Profile Groups that do not use the "Labels" feature (when editing the directory, you will see each profile listed on both the Digital Bell and public-facing webpages).

Method 1: Non-Labeled Profiles (Manually Adding Profiles to Profile Group)

  1. First, ensure the new teacher/faculty member has a Profile. For more information on Profile creation, see "Create a Profile."

  2. Once the Profile has been created, click the "Pages" link, located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page. This will bring you to a list of the site's pages.

  3. Locate the page that includes the list of teacher Profiles (usually titled "Teachers," or similar), then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the page's content editor.

  4. Here, you should notice the "Profile Group" element, This element will list each of the teacher Profiles that have been added. Scroll to the bottom of the list, then click the "+Existing Profiles" button.

  5. This will bring up a double-pane window. On the left-hand side, the existing Profiles that have not yet been added to the group will be listed. Locate the teacher you would like to add, then click the "arrow" button to the right of their name. This will add the Profile to the right pane. 

    Once the teacher has been added to the right pane, click the "Submit" button to complete the process. The new Profile should now be listed on the public page.

 The second method is for directories that do use the "Labels" feature (in this case, the Profile Group element will appear empty in The Digital Bell, while the appropriate profiles still show up on the public-facing page).

Method 2: Labeled Profiles (Profiles Automatically Added to Profile Group)

  1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab, then click on the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of all profiles.

  2. Next, locate the profile you would like to add, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the name. This will bring you to the profile editor.

  3. Here, scroll down and locate the "Roles" section (if the profile does not have a Role, click the "Add Role" button in the right sidebar to assign the appropriate Role). Here, click the Properties button (gear icon) to view the profile roles editor. 

  4. In the profile roles editor, you should see a Labels section (each school or organization's labels will be different). Here, select the appropriate label(s) for the profile, then click the "Submit" button to save your changes. The profile should now appear in the appropriate directory for the selected label(s).
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How do I add a .pdf file to my page?

Before adding a .pdf file to your page, you must first upload it to your warehouse. To upload a .pdf to the warehouse, mouse over the "Warehouse" link, located in the menu at the top of your Digital Bell Dashboard, to create a drop-down menu. In the drop-down menu, mouse over the "Files" link to create a sub-menu, then click on the "Documents" link.

Warehouse documents link

On the Documents page, click the "Add new Document" link, located in the right margin. Clicking this link will bring you to the Upload form. In the Upload form, click the "Upload Files" button, then select the appropriate .pdf from your computer's hard drive. Once the upload is complete, the file will be available in your Warehouse.

After the file has been uploaded, edit the content of the page you wish to add the .pdf to. To edit the content of a page, click the "Pages" link, located in the top menu of your Digital Bell Dashboard. This will bring you to a list of your pages. Next, locate the appropriate page from the list, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the page title. Clicking the Edit button will take you to the content editor.

In the content editor, click the "Files" link, located under the "Add Content" heading in the right margin. This will add a "File Group" to your page. The "File Group" will be added to the bottom of your page, by default. To reposition it, mouse over the group, then click the "four arrows" icon in the upper left corner and drag the group to your preferred position on the page. To add a title to the file group, such as "Weekly Flyer," click the "Click here to add a group title" link.

To add the .pdf to the "File Group," click the "+Existing Files" button, located on the bottom of the new "File Group." A list of your files will then be displayed. After locating the .pdf on the list, click the "arrow" icon, to the right of the file name, to select it. Once the .pdf has been selected, click the "Submit" button to add the .pdf to your "File Group." This step can be repeated to add multiple files to your file group. To remove a file, mouse over the indvidual file and click the red "minus sign" icon.

add existing file

On your public page, the "File Group" will display a link to your .pdf file. When a visitor clicks the link, the contents of the .pdf will be displayed on a new page.

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How do I feature a post on the home page?

Most Digital Bell home pages include a "Featured" section. This section uses a Post Browser to display notable news posts or events, usually in a sliding or multi-panel photo gallery format. The following steps will explain how to "feature" a new or existing post, so that it will be displayed in the gallery on the home page.

Featuring a New Post

1. Attach Your Image

Begin by creating your post. After entering the date and title, use the "Image" section to add or upload the picture that will be displayed in the gallery or carousel. 

For information on editing images, see Cropping Images

2. Add your Content

Once you have attached your image, use the "Content" section to enter the text of the Post. When visitors click on an image in the gallery, they will be taken to a new page where the information entered in the "Content" section is displayed.

The "Abstract" field can also be used to enter a short description of your content. Information entered in this field may be displayed at the bottom of the image, depending on how the site's "Featured" section is configured.

3. Select the Feature Group

Next, locate the "Feature Groups" section. Here, check the checkbox next to "Homepage" and the "From" field will autocomplete with the current date/time. The "To" field is optional, and will remove the post from the homepage at the entered date/time. Leave the "To" field blank to display the Post indefinitely.

4. Finish

Finally, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. The Post will now be displayed in the "Featured" section of the home page.

Featuring an Existing Post

1. Edit the Post Properties

Begin by mouseing over the "Posts" tab, located in Digital Bell's top menu. In the drop down, click on the appropriate Post Type (ex. "News" or "School News"). This will bring you to a list of the existing posts. Locate the Post to feature, then click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the Post Title.

Note: If an image has not been attached to this Post, first click the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the title, before clicking the Properties button. Next, attach a photo to the "Image" section and click either "Submit" button to update the Post. Finally, return to the list of Posts, then click the Properties button, as described above.

2. Edit the Feature Group

Next, locate the "Feature Groups" section. Here, check the checkbox next to "Homepage" and the "From" field will autocomplete with the current date/time. The "To" field is optional, and will remove the post from the homepage at the entered date/time. Leave the "To" field blank if the post should not be removed automatically.

3. Finish

Finally, click the "Submit" button. The Post will now be displayed in the "Featured" section of the home page.

Notes on Images used in the Homepage: The image size used for the "Featured" section is will vary from site to site, however resolutions of 800x600 or 900x600 are the most common. For sites where a carousel/slideshow fits the full width of the home page from edge to edge, a larger resolution of 1900x1200 is recommended.

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How do I remove a post from the site, without permanently deleting it?

Posts can be deactivated with the following steps. This removes the post from the public-facing website, while keeping it in Digital Bell.

1. Begin by mousing over the "Posts" tab at the top of any Digital Bell page. In the drop-down menu, click the title of the appropriate Post Type (ex. News). This will bring you to a list of the posts from the selected Post Type.

2. Next, click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the post's title. This will bring you to the properties editor.

3. Here, set the "Is Active" option to "No" and click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

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How do I reactivate a deactivated page?

If a page has been deactivated, it will be hidden from your list of pages by default. To access and reactivate the page, you will need to use the search function. The steps below explain the process:

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, click the "Pages" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page). This will bring you to the list of the site's pages.

2. Here, click the "Show Search Options" link, directly to the right of the "quick search" box at the top of the list. This will set the "Is Active?" search option to "Any," and you should now be able to enter the title of the inactive page in the search box, then access it from the results.

Setting "Is Active?" to "Yes," then leaving the search box blank and clicking the "Search" button will also provide a full list of all inactive pages on the site.

3. Once the page appears in the results, click the properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title to view the properties editor.

4. In the properties editor, set the "Is Active?" option to "Yes," and click the "Submit" button to reactivate the page.

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How do I add a Carousel to my Post view?

If you have a post element on a page you can make it show as a Carousel on a page. 

  1. Click on the Settings of the element for the Post Type Group you want to change.
  2. Under the Layout option find and select Carousel (if this is not available you will need to request that it be added to the Node settings for Post type layouts).
  3. After selecting carousel, click on Variables while still in the settings of the Post Type Group. You will see Custom Variables. If you want to show 1 or multiple carousel windows enter "ShowNum = 1". If you want the Carousel to auto play add and Item and enter "AutoPlay = True".
  4. Click submit and this will enable the Carousel on the page you are working on.
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How do I remove the sidebar from a page?

Most websites include the ability to update the "Body Layout" of a page, and remove the sidebar. Most commonly, the sidebar will include a "Related" or "Related Links" section, and removing it will give any content the full width of the page (minus formatting margins). 

1. Begin by clicking the "Pages" tab, located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page. This will bring you to the list of pages.

Highlighting the Pages Tab

2. Next, locate the appropriate page, and click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the properties editor.

Hilighting the Properties Button

3. Here, locate the "Layout" section. In this section, click the "Body Layout" drop-down menu and select "No Sidebar." After making the selection, click the "Submit" button to save your changes. The sidebar can be added back to the page by repeating these steps, and selecting the "Default" layout.

Selecting a new Body Layout

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How do I reorder my calendar events in "List" view?

Your calendar includes a button to view the events for the month in an agenda-style "List" view. By default the list is displayed in chronological order, with the oldest events appearing first. The order in which your events are sorted can be changed with the following steps:

1. After logging into the Digital Bell, click the "Pages" link, located in the top menu on your Dashboard.

2. On the list of pages, locate or search for the page with the calendar, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the page title.

3. In the page content editor, locate the Event Type Group that displays the calendar, then click the "Settings" link in the blue "Post Type Group" heading.

4. In the settings menu, scroll down to the "Sort Order" option. Select Ascending (Chronological) or Descending (Reverse-chronological), then click the "Submit" button to update the list.

event type settings

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How do I make a copy of a form?

This feature allows you to select a form from your Warehouse, and create a copy of it. The copy can then be edited and modified, just like any of your existing forms. Duplicating a form can be useful if an existing form would work well as a template for a new form.

The following steps explain how to duplicate a form:

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, mouse over the "Warehouse" link, then click "Forms" on the drop-down menu. This will bring you to a list of your existing forms.

2. Locate the form you wish to copy, then click the Save button (disc icon) to the far right of the title. This will save a .txt file containing your form's information to your browser's default download directory.

3. To upload the form, click the "Load form from file" link, located under the "Form options" heading in the right margin. Next, click the "Choose File" button, and select the .txt file you saved in the previous step. After you have selected the appropriate file, click the "Submit" button.

4. After submitting the .txt file you will be taken to a page listing the form's information. Here, retitle and rename your duplicate copy, using the ""Title" and "Name" fields. This will prevent you from having two forms with the same name and title.

After entering the new information, scroll down though the form's information, and click the "Submit" button to complete the process. Your duplicate form should now appear on your list, allowing you to make changes to the form fields/form actions, by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title.

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How do I add a countdown timer to my page?

You can add a daily countdown timer to your page with a customizable script. To add the script to your page, first create a new Text Block, then use the WYSIWYG toolbar to open the "HTML Source" window. This is opened by clicking the button labeled "HTML" on the far right of the toolbar's third row.

Once you have opened the window, paste in the following script:

color: blue; /* use web-standard colors (, hex or rgb values */
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold; /* normal|bold|bolder|lighter */
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
targetDate = new Date('2016-03-01'); /* yyyy-mm-dd */
additionalText = ' days remaining until the event!'; /* can be left blank if you don't want extra text */

/* don't modify anything below this line */
dateNow = new Date();
dateDiff = targetDate - dateNow;
if(dateDiff <= 0){
daysRemaining = 0;
daysRemaining = Math.ceil(dateDiff / (24*60*60*1000));

daysRemainingText = daysRemaining.toString();
jQuery('#countdownContainer').html(daysRemainingText + additionalText);
// ]]></script>
<div id="countdownContainer">0</div>

The script above contains comments, encolsed by the "/*" and "*/" characters. The comments explain how to edit the script to change the color, target date, and custom text. Once you have finished modifying the code, click the "Update" button to add the counter to your Text Block, then click the "Submit" button to complete the process. Your new counter will now be displayed on your public page. 

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How do I add padding around a photo/image within a text block?

The padding of an image as it relates to the wrapping of the text is handled in the "Appearance" tab within the "Insert/edit image icon located on the WYSIWYG toolbar.

First, select the "Alignment" of the image in relation to the text (Top, Left, Right, etc..). Next, set the "Vertical space" and "Horizontal space" to 5 for each. By default these fields are empty (so no padding is applied).

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How do I add more subpages to the "Related Links" sidebar on the parent page?

A subpage's link can be added to the "Related" section of the parent page by changing its "Show in Menus" setting. Note, the page you would like to add must be a subpage of the page where you would like its link to appear - links cannot be added to "Related" sections manually. The following steps explain the process:

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, click the "Pages" link, in the menu at the top of the Dashboard. This will bring you to a list of the existing pages.

2. Locate the subpage you wish to add to the sidebar menu, then click the "Properties" button (gear icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the page properties editor.

3. In the properties editor, locate the "Show in Menus" option, then set the radio button to "Yes." After changing the setting, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button to complete the process. A link to the subpage should now be visible in the parent page's sidebar.

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How do I password protect a page?

If you would like to have an active page that is not visble to the public, you can add a login requirement. This process will assign a single username and password combination to your selected page, which must be entered in order to view the page's content.  Note: This feature may not be enabled for all sites, at this time.

  1. Begin by clicking the "Pages" link, located at the top of any Digital Bell page. This will bring you to a list of the existing pages.


  2. Locate the page you would like to password protect in the list, then click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the page's properties editor.

    Properties button

  3. In the properties editor, scroll down and locate the "HTTP Authorization" section. Here, enter the username and password that will be required to view the page.

    HTTP Authorization

  4. Once you have entered the username and password, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button. Visitors will now be presented with a login screen when viewing the page.
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How do I add a YouTube video to a post?

Begin by uploading the video to YouTube, if it has not yet been uploaded. Next, view the video on and copy the video's URL from your browser's address bar (ex. Next, visit Digital Bell and begin creating a new post.

On the "Add Post" form, click on the "YouTube" section to expand it. Enter the copied URL in the "Video URL" field and continue updating the post as necessary. Once published, the video will be linked to the post. Posts that appear in the homepage carousel/slideshow will include a "play" button, allowing visitors to watch the video.

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How do I exclude content from being searched by Google?

To exclude any content from Google, you can use the following "tags" in this example:

<!--googleoff: all-->
This is the content excluded from Google search results. Any content between these two tags will not be shown in Google Search results.
<!--googleon: all-->

These tags will need to be put in the HTML view of your The Digital Bell editor. Please be aware that these search results can take up to 3 days to refresh.

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How do I choose the e-mail address that automatic "Form Action" emails will be sent from?

The Digital Bell's online forms allow you to set up "Form Actions" that will automatically send email messages, such as the Notification Email and Thank You Email actions. The "Site Settings" section includes an option that will allow you to choose the email address that these messages are sent from, also known as the "From Address."

Also, if you receive an error message related to the Notification Email upon submitting your form, it is likely that the "From Address" has not been set, and entering an email address will resolve the error. The steps below explain how to set up, or select a new "From Address." Note, Website Administrator access is required to complete these steps.

1. After logging into The Digital Bell, mouse over the "Tools" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), and click the "Site Settings" link. This will bring you to the main Site Settings page.

2. On this page, the individual settings are listed in the right sidebar, under the "Modify Settings" heading. Here, click the "Online Forms" link.

3. Next, locate the "Online Forms From" field, and enter the appropriate email address. Finally, click the "Submit" button to save your changes and complete the process.

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How do I change my password?
After logging into The Digital Bell, click your name (located in the upper right corner of any page). This will bring you to your "Edit User" page. Here, use the "Change Password" and "Confirm Password" fields to enter your new password. Return to Top
How do I add a Form to a webpage?

The steps below explain how you can add a finished form to any of the pages on your site.


  • If you will be creating a new page for your form, see Creating a New Page for aditional instructions, if needed. Once you have chosen the title and settings of your new page, click the "Submit" button to view the content editor.

  • If you will be adding your form to an existing Web page, first click the "Pages" link, located in the top menu of your Digital Bell Dashboard. Next, edit the page where you'd like to place the form by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of its title. This will bring you to the page's content editor.

In the content editor, click the "Forms" link in the right margin, under the "Add Content" heading.

Add Form Group link



Clicking the link will add a Form Group to your page. Begin by clicking the "New Form" button, located at the bottom of the Form Group. This will bring up the "Add Form Instace" window. Here, click the "Select a Template" button, which will display the list of the forms in the Warehouse.

Select the appropriate form in the drop-down menu, then enter a title for the form in the "Title" field (Note: this title is an internal designation, and will not appear on the page). After entering a title, click the "Submit" button to add your form to the page. The public-facing page will then be updated to display the form.

Add form instance window

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How can I redirect my page to another URL?

The steps below explain how to redirect one of your pages to the URL of your choosing.

1. Begin by logging into Digital Bell and clicking on the "Pages" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page). This will  bring you to a list of your pages.

2. Here, locate the page you would like to redirect, then click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the properties editor for the selected page.

3. In the "Page Information" section, locate the "Redirect to URL" option. Enter the URL you would like to redirect the page to, then click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

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How can I add links to social media accounts in the website's footer?

1. Begin by mousing over the "Tools" tab, located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell site. In the drop down menu, click on "Site Settings."

2. Next, click the "Social Network Links" link in the right sidebar, under the "Modify Settings" heading.

3. Enter the URL for the social media page(s) in the appropriate field(s), then click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

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