The Digital Bell CMS:

Create Profile Pages

The Profile Page is the central page for instructors to link their class pages to, post information about themselves, and provide contact information for parents and guardians. Depending on your school, this may be your first step in getting started with The Digital Bell CMS.  

Create a Post

Posts are the individual pieces of content that populate a Post Type, such as news articles, calendar events, or blog entries. Ensure you have an existing Post Type before beginning this tutorial. A Post Type is a catagory for your Posts that needs to be created before any individual posts can be added.

Create A Page

Web pages are the main public facing component of the Digital Bell content management system (CMS). The following articles contain step-by-step instructions and detailed information on creating new pages, adding and editing your content, or managing your photo galleries.

Add an Event

Events can be set to a single date (assignment due dates or dates of tests/exams), or include a range of dates (Spring Break). If you are teaching more than once class, we will discuss adding events to seperate class calendars. Once an event has been created, it will appear on your calendar in the form of a link. 

Add Content

If you have just created a new Web page, begin by viewing the right margin of the page for all the available types of content you can add. If you need to add content to, or edit an existing page, start by clicking the "Pages" tab, then click the Edit butt (pencil icon) located to the left of the page title.