
This tutorial will explain how to edit an existng profile to publish your profile page. If you do not have an existing profile, please see "Create your Profile and Publish your Page."

Step 1 - Edit your Profile

Begin by logging into The Digital Bell, and viewing your Dashboard. Here, you should see a section titled "My Profile." In this section, click the "Edit Your Profile" link. This will bring you to the "Edit Profile" page. 

Edit Profile Link

Step 2 - Edit your Role

The the bottom of the "Edit Profile" page, locate the "Roles" section. Here, you should see a listing for "Staff." Click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the "Staff" listing. This will bring you to the "Edit Role" page.

Edit Role Button

3 - Create and Add Content to your Page

On the "Edit Role" page, click the "Create Page" button in the right sidebar. This will create your page, and change the button's title to "Publish." Once the page has been created, you can use the Content Elements in the right sidebar (Text Blocks, Images, Files, etc.) to add information to profile page. For example:

  • An introduction message can be added by clicking the "Text Block" link to add a Text Block Group to the page. Clicking the "New Text Block" button at the bottom of the group will then open the editor and allow you to enter text content.
  • A syllabus document (.pdf, .doc, etc.) can be added by clicking the "Files" link to add a File Group to the page. Clicking the "New File" button will then allow you to upload a file from your computer for visitors to download.

For more information on the different types of content you can add, please see "Adding Content Elements to a Page."

Edit Role page Sidebar

4 - Publish your Page

At this point, you page has been created, but has not been published (viewable by visitors). Click the "Publish" button in the right sidebar to complete the process and add your page to the website. Visitors will then be able to click on your name wherever your profile appears (usually the "Faculty and Staff" page, or similar) to view your personal page. 

Your page can be edited by returning to the Dashboard and clicking the "Edit your Profile" link, then clicking on the Edit button (pencil icon) in the Roles section. This will return you to the editor from step 3, where content can be added or removed.

Alternatively, you can also click the "Pages" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page) to view your list of pages. Your profile page will have a title format of "(Last Name, First Name)," and can be edited by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left. After clicking the Edit button, you will be able to add content to the page, such as File Groups for syllabus documents, or Link Groups for resources on external websites.