Note: This tutorial is intened for Website Administrators who are managing their site's profiles - for non-Admin users that would like to update their personal profile, click the "Edit Profile" link, located under the "My Profile" section of the Dashboard.
This tutorial will explain how to manage the profiles in your Warehouse, including how to add new profiles as an Administrator, update titles and contact information, attach department labels, and remove profiles that are no longer needed.
- Adding a New Profile
- Attaching and Removing Labels
- Editing a Profile / Updating Profile Information
- Publishing a Profile Page
- Removing Profiles
- Add a Role to an Existing Profile
- Creating a New Profile Group / Directory
- Linking User Accounts
- Adding a New Profile
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, click the "Add New Profile" link in the right sidebar.
3. This will bring you to the "Add Profile" form. Here, enter the individual's information. Note, if you are displaying profiles in a directory format, the information in the First, Last, Occupation, Email, and Phone Number fields will be displayed by default.
4. Once their information has been entered, use the Role drop-down menu to apply the appropriate Role to the profile (most likely "Staff," unless custom roles have been added to the site). After selecting a Role, click the "Submit" button to create the new profile.
Next, see the "Attaching and Removing Labels" section for information on how to apply a label to the new profile. The label will determine which section the new Profile is listed under (ex. Art, Science, Reading, etc.).
Return to Top - Attaching and Removing Labels
The steps below explain how to add and remove labels. The label(s) attached to a profile will determine which section the staff member is listed in, on your Staff/Faculty directory page.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, locate the appropriate profile in the list, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their name. This will bring you to the "Edit Profile" form.
3. Here, click the "Edit Properties" link in the right sidebar. This will bring up the available labels to select from.
4. Select the appropriate label(s), then click the "Submit" button to save your changes.
Return to Top - Editing a Profile / Updating Profile Information
The following steps explain how to edit existing profiles, in the event the individual's name, contact information, or title/position has changed.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, locate the appropriate profile in the list, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their name.
3. This will bring you to the "Edit Profile" form, where you can update the existing data shown in the form fields. Images can also be updated by clicking "Upload Image" to select an image from your computer, or "Choose from Warehouse" to select an image that was uploaded previously.
Once finished, click the "Submit" button to save your changes and return to the list of profiles.
Return to Top - Publishing a Profile Page
Administrators can also publish the "Profile Page" on behalf of the user/profile owner. Once published, the profile's first and last name will link to their page (ex. on the site's Faculty Directory / Faculty and Staff page).
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, locate the appropriate profile in the list, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their name.
3. This will bring you to the "Edit Profile" form. At the bottom of the this page, locate the "Profile Roles" section. To the left of their listed Role (usually "Staff"), click the Edit button (pencil icon) to view the "Edit Roles" page. If a Role has not yet been added, click the "Add Role" button in the right sidebar, then select the appropriate Role from the drop-down menu (usually "Staff"), and click "Submit" to add the role - this will also bring you to the "Edit Role" page.
4. On the "Edit Role" page, click the "Create Page" button. The first click will change the button's title to "Publish" (this creates the page, but does not publish the page - in case any content needs to be added first).
5. At this point, the "Add Content" menu should appear in the right sidebar, allowing you to add content to the page, if needed. For example, clicking the "Files" link will add a File Group to the page, where documents can be added (ex. syllabus / lesson plans).
6. Finally, once the page is ready to go live, click the "Publish" button to complete the process. This will publish the profile page to the website, and allow anyone viewing the staff directory to visit by clicking on their name.
Return to Top - Removing Profiles
There are two methods for removing a profile. The first "deactivates" the profile, which keeps it stored in the Warehouse, but prevents it from being listed on the public website. Deactivated profiles can also be reactivated as necessary, and returned to any directories where they were previously listed. The second option is to permanently delete the profile, after which it cannot be recovered.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, locate the appropriate profile in the list, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their name. This will bring you to the "Edit Profile" form.
3. Here, locate the "Roles" section and click the Properties button (gear icon) on the far left of their listed Role. This will bring you to the "Profile Roles" editor.
4. In the "Profile Roles" editor, locate the "Active?" option in the "Properties Role" section. Select "No," then click the "Submit" button to deactivate a profile. Deactivated profiles will remain in your list - repeat these steps and select "Yes" to reactivate a profile.
Permanent Deletion
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link. This will bring you to a list of the site's profiles.
2. Next, locate the appropriate profile in the list, then click the Delete button (red "minus sign" icon) opposite the Edit button. A confirmation dialog will pop up - click "OK" to permanently delete the profile from the site.
Return to Top - Add a Role to an Existing Profile
If a profile has been created without an assigned "Role," one can be added later. Without a "Role," you will be unable to attach labels, or manually add the profile to a Profile Group.
1. Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab (located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page), then click the "Profiles" link in the drop-down menu.
2. In the list of profiles, locate the profile that you will be editing. Next, click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of their name.
3. In the profile editor, click the "Add Role" button in the right sidebar. On the role selection page, use the drop-down menu to choose their role (usually "Staff"), then click the "Submit" button. This will add the role, and bring you to the profile role editor, where a Profile Page page can be created and published, if necessary.
Return to Top - Creating a New Profile Group / Directory
The "Profiles" content element allows you to create new directories for faculty and staff. By default, adding this element will display all profiles - the steps below explain how to customize your Profile Group to display the appropriate profiles.
Adding a Labeled Profile Group to a Page
If your site makes use of the Labels feature for profiles, you can add a Profile Group that will automatically display each profile that has your chosen label(s) attached. For information on how to add new labels, see Creating Labels. The Label Type referenced in Step #1 should be titled "Staff Type" or "Profile Type."
1. Begin by editing the page where you would like to add your profiles. In the content editor, click the "Profiles" link, beneath the "Add Content" heading. This will add a Profile Group to the page.
2. By default, the new group will display all profiles. To select which profiles will be listed in this group, first click the "Settings" link in the upper right corner of your new Profile Group. This will open the settings panel.
3. The settings panel will open to the "Display Options" tab by default. Change the "Is Browser" setting to "Yes." This will allow you to display all profiles that have your chosen label attached.
If you would like to change the sort order of your profiles (ex. sort by first or last name), the "Sort By" and "Sort Order" settings can be changed at this time. When finished, click the "Labels" tab at the top of the settings panel.
4. In this tab, you will see two sections - the upper section (Filter by Label) can be ignored. The lower section will list each of the available Label Types (usually "Staff Type" or "Profile Type").
Beneath the Label Type will be a list of its labels (ex. Teacher, Phys Ed, Administration). Click to select the label(s) that you would like to display. The labels you select will determine which profiles appear in this group - ex. choosing the "Teacher" label will display all profiles with the "Teacher" label attached. Note, each school or organization's labels will be different.
5. After selecting the label(s), click the "Submit" button to apply your changes to the Profile Group.
Adding a Non-Labeled Profile Group to a Page
1. Begin by editing the page where you would like to add your profiles. In the content editor, click the "Profiles" link, beneath the "Add Content" heading. This will add a Profile Group to the page.
2. To select which profiles will be listed in this group, first click the "+Existing Profile" button on the bottom of the group.
3. To locate a profile, enter the first or last name associated with the profile in the search box at the top of the panel. Note: Searches must be done by first or last name - entering someone's full name may not produce results. Search results will appear in the left-hand pane.
4. Once you have located the appropriate profile, click the arrow icon next to their name to add it to the right-hand pane. Continue searching for and selecting profiles until all of the appropriate profiles are listed in the right-hand pane. Finally, click the "Submit" button to add the profile(s) to the group.
Optionally, click the "Click to add Group Title" field at the top of the group to enter a general title for these profiles (ex. Administration, First Grade, English, etc.). To reposition the group, click the Move button (four-arrow icon) in the upper left corner of the group, and drag-and-drop the group vertically on the page.
To remove a profile, edit the page, locate the Profile Group and mouse over the profile you would like to remove. A red "minus sign" icon should appear on the far right - click this icon to remove the profile from the group.
Return to Top - Linking User Accounts
If your school or organization has Digital Bell User Accounts for each individual that has a profile, but you are creating the profiles manually, you can use the "Connect" feature to link their profile to their User Account.
1. First, ensure the individual has a User Account. A list of current accounts can be viewed by mousing over the "Administration" tab, then clicking "Users." If a new account needs to be created, see "User Administration."
2. After ensuring the account exists (or creating a new account), view the list of profiles and click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the profile that will be linked to the User Account.
3. In the right sidebar of the profile editor, click the "Connect User" button. This will bring you to the "Connect Profile" page.
4. Here, click the "Connect a User" drop-down menu to view a list of current User Accounts. Select the appropriate account, then click the "Submit" button to complete the process.
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