
Once a form has been created, you can return to make updates as often as necessary. The instructions below explain how to edit any of the forms in your Warehouse.
Navigate to the List of Forms

Begin by mousing over the "Warehouse" tab, located in the menu at the top of any Digital Bell page. In the drop-down menu, click on "Forms." This will bring you to a list of the site's forms.

Warehouse Drop-dowm menu

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Editing the Title, Content or "Thank You" Message

First, locate the title of the form you would like to edit. If you would like to edit the form's title, the content that appears at the top of the form, or "Thank You" message that appears after the form has been submitted by a visitor, click the Properties button (gear icon) to the left of the title.

Properties button

This will bring you to the "Properties Form," where the title is listed above the "Content" and "Thank You" fields. A new title can be entered, and both the "Content" and "Thank You" fields can be edited, and formatted with their toolbars.

Title and Content fields

The text in the "Content" field will appear directly above the form.

Thank You Message

The text in the "Thank You" field will be displayed to visitors immediately after they submit the form.

Once you have made your changes, click the "Submit" button to complete the process and return to the list of forms.

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Editing the Existing Form Fields

To edit the form fields, locate the title of the form you would like to update, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the Form Editor, where you should see the individual fields listed under a blue "Form Fields" heading.

Edit form button

Changing the Order of the Form Fields

To rearrange the order of the existing fields, mouse over the name of the field you would like to reorder. At this point, your cursor icon should change, and allow you to drag-and-drop the field, vertically. The order of the fields in this list will be reflected on the public-facing form.

Drag-and-drop form field

Removing Form Fields

To "deactivate" a form field (allowing it to be reactivated later, if you choose), locate the name of the field, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of its "Is Active" checkmark icon. This will bring you to the "Edit Field" form. Here, locate the "Is Active?" option, and change the setting to "No." After changing the setting, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button to save your changes. This will remove the field from the public-facing form, but will still allow you to reactivate it at a later date (to reactiavate, repeat the above process and set the "Is Active" option to "Yes").

Deactivating a form field

To permanently delete a form field from the list, locate the name of the field, then click the Remove icon (white "minus sign" within a red circle) at the opposite end of the row. A pop-up dialog will appear - confirming the dialog will remove the field from the form. Note: This will permanently delete the form field, after which it cannot be recovered/un-deleted.

Deleting a form field

Adding Form Fields

Additional form fields can be added by clicking the "+New Field" link, beneath the "Field Options" heading in the right sidebar. Adding a field to an existing form works in the same way as adding the initial fields - for more information on the types of form fields that can be added, and their available options, see Step #2 of "Creating Forms." Once the new field has been added to the list, it can be reorderd with the process described at the beginning of this section.

Additional Form Field Updates

Editing an existing form field by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) will also allow you to make general changes, such as changing the Title or Name, or Label of the field, as well as whether the field is "required." Additional options can differ, depending on the type form field (see "Creating Forms" for more information). Click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

Adding, removing, reordering, or editing the properties of a form field will cause the public-facing form to be updated automatically.

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