Forms are interactive content elements that allow your visitors to enter and submit data to you. Forms can be used to survey visitors on specific topics, elicit comments and questions, and more. The following tutoral will explain how to create forms, and add them to your pages.
You may find it helpful to view this sample form while reading through the tutorial. Each of the form elements detailed below are listed in parentheses on the sample form.
Steps to Creating a Form in FormBuilder
- Step 1 - Add New Form
- Step 2 - Add Form Fields
- Optional - Reorder Form Fields
- Step 3 - Add Form Actions
- Finish - Add the Form to a Page
- Additional Information
- Step 1 - Add New Form
Place your mouse cursor over the "Warehouse" tab, located in the top menu of your Digital Bell Dashboard. From the drop-down menu, click on the "Forms" link. This will bring you to a page that lists the existing forms stored in your Warehouse, if any. Next, click the "Add new form" link, located in the right margin.
After clicking the "Add new Form" link, you will enter the preliminary information for your new form, as shown in the image below. After you have completed the fields, click the "Submit" button.
Add Form
Title: The title of your form.
Name: This field wil auto-complete, based on your title. This field should be left to the default setting. However, if this field is edited, no spaces or special characters should be used.
Content: This field is used to enter a message that will appear above the form, once it has been added to a page. This section should include information about the purpose of the form.
Thank You: The information in this field will be displayed to the visitor, once they have filled out and submitted the form.
Abstract: This field is used to enter a short description of your form. This information will not appear to visitors, and is for internal reference.
Is Active: This setting determines whether the form is available for use on your site.
Permissions: Use this field to assign permissions to additional Digital Bell users, if they will need to view, edit, or have ownership the form.
- Step 2 - Add Form Fields
Clicking the "Submit" button will take you to the form editor. Here you will add the fields that allow your visitors to enter data. Fields can be created that will allow visitors to input their name or e-mail address, select a donation amount, vote on a topic, and more. The various Form Field formats are described in detail below.
To begin adding Form Fields, click the "Add new field" link, located in the sidebar menu, as shown below.
After clicking the link, you will be forwarded to the first of two Form Field settings pages. First, select the type of Form Field you will be creating from the "Form Field" drop-down. The field types you can choose from are explained in detail below the example image.
Enter the title of the Form Field in the "Title" field. The title is an internal identifier, and allows you to distinguish your completed fields from one another, when viewed in the form editor. The title should be based on the information that will be entered by a visitor. For example, a field that asks for a visitor's first name would be titled "First Name."
The "Is Saved" option determines whether or not any data entered into the Form Field will be saved in the database, and can later be exported. If the data entered into this field should be saved, such as names, phone numbers, or other pertinent information, select "Yes." If the data does not need to be saved, this option can be set to "No."
If the "Is Saved" option is set to "Yes," the "Name" field becomes available. The "Name" field is also used internally, for actions such as form export, and form data export. The name you enter should be short, and reflect the purpose of the Form Field. Using spaces and special characters is not recommended. As an example, the name for a field that collects a visitor's home phone number could be "homephone," or "HomePhone."
The "Is Active" setting determines whether this field will appear on the completed form.
Form Field Types
- Text: Allows visitors to submit a single line of text, such as their name or email address.
- Textarea: This is a larger, multi-line text field, used for comments or messages.
- Select: Use this Form Field to create a drop-down menu, and add the selectable menu items. Visitors will be also to select a single choice from the drop-down, such as when choosing a prefix for their name. See "Attributes" below for more information on how to create the list of menu items.
- Checkbox list: This creates a list of separate items, with checkboxes next to each. See "Attributes" below for more information on how to create the list of menu items.
- Radio list: This option creates a vertical list of options, with radio buttons for selection. Only one item can be selected from the list. See "Attributes" below for more information on how to create the list of menu items.
- Multi-radio: Similar to the radio list, but options are displayed horizontally. Only one item can be selected at a time. See "Attributes" below for more information on how to create the list of menu items.
- Content: This field allows you to enter text that will be displayed on the form, such as instructions for visitors.
- Horizontal rule: This creates a graphic that acts as a horizontal border, used to separate sections of your form.
- Fieldset: This options allows you to group multiple fields together, visually, and adds a text heading for the group.
- Hidden: This is a hidden field, not visible to your visitors, that can contain a static value needed by the form. This is useful if you need the form to submit information that the visitor submitting the form should not be able to change.
- Placeholder: (developer use only)
- Param: (developer use only)
Once you have selected a Form Field, and entered the "Title" and "Name," click the "Submit" button. The form will then expand to show more fields and options, related to the Form Field (Text, Radio Button, Hidden, etc.) you have chosen. The expanded form will be different for each Form Field option. The image below dispays the expanded form for the "Text" Form Field:
Field Information Options
- Label: The text entered into this field will be displayed on the public form. For example - if a "Text" Form Field is being created to collect the first name of visitors, and "First Name:" is entered into this field, the visitor will see "First Name:" displayed next to a blank field on the finished form.
- Is Required: Selecting "Yes" will not allow the form to be submitted if this field is left blank. Selecing "No" will make the field optional, and allow submissions if it is left blank.
- Error Text: This field is optional. Text entered here will be used as a customized error message, for instances when a "required" field is left blank, or the field is otherwise completed incorrectly by the visitor. Leaving this field blank will display the default error message.
- Default Value: This field is optional. Text entered into this field will override the information entered by the visitor, if any.
- Validation RegEx: This field is optional. Here, you can use a ColdFusion Regular Expression to check against the information entered by the visitor. This is used in instances when the entered information must conform to a specific format.
- Validation Error Text: This field is dependant on a Regular Expression being entered in the above field. If the information entered by the visitor does not pass the Regular Expression check, the text entered here will be displayed to them.
- Dependency Name: Use this in conjunction with the Dependency Value. If you want a field to be required when another field has a certain value, enter the field name of that field here. The value that forces this field to be required goes into the Dependency Value field.
- Dependency Value: Enter the field name of the field that forces the Dependency Name to be required.
- Attributes: This field is optional, unless you are using a "multuple choice" type Form Field, such as a "Select," "Radio List," or "Checkbox List" field. Each set of left and right-hand fields, separated by an equals sign ( = ), is known as an "item." Additional items can be added to the Attributes list by clicking the "Add Item" button. The added "items" will be the field's selectable choices.
The text entered in the left-hand field of an item is displayed to visitors on the public form, similar to the "Label." If this item is selected by the visitor, the text in its right-hand field will be recorded amd saved in the database. The value entered in the right-hand field will also appear in the form data that is attached to a "Notification Email" (explained in the "Form Actions" section, below), and form data exports.
- Wrapper Attributes: Use only if directed by GSL Solutions.
Once you have completed the expanded section, click the "Submit" button to create the field and return to the Form Editor. Continue adding the remaining Form Fields, following the steps above.
To edit existing fields, click the pencil next to the field you wish to edit. Note, however, that you cannot change the type of a Form Field, after it has been added. For example you cannot change a "Text" field into a "Textarea" or "Radio List" field.
To see a an example of the different types of fields and you can add to a form, view the Sample Form.
After creating the necessary Form Fields, Form Actions are added.
- Text: Allows visitors to submit a single line of text, such as their name or email address.
- Optional - Reorder Form Fields
The fields you have added will be displayed on the public page in the order they appear in the Form Editor. To rearrange the order, first mouse over the field you wish to move. Your cursor should now be replaced with a "four arrow" icon.
You can now click and drag the field vertically, to select a new position. Once the field has been placed into its new position, the form will automatically be updated to reflect this change.
Return to Top - Step 3 - Add Form Actions
Once your fields have been created, you can add Form Actions. Form Actions take the pieces of information entered into your Form Fields by visitors (ex. Name or Email Address), and apply automated tasks to them, such as sending personalized "Thank you" emails, or adding the visitor's email address to a newsletter subscription list.
To begin adding a Form Action, click the "Add new action" link, located in the right margin.
Similar to the Form Fields, adding a Form Action is a two-step process. On the first page, you will choose a "Form Action" from the drop-down menu, and select whether it is active or not.
After clicking the "Submit" button, the form will expand to provide you with more, "Form Action" specific, fields and options. Each "Form Action" is described below the following image.
Note: Your site may not include each of the Form Actions listed below, or may have addtional, custom-made actions. To request a specific Form Action, or for information on custom actions, contact
Form Action Types
- Thank-You Email: This sends a "Thank you" email message to the visitor who has submitted the form.
On the expanded form, you will select the Form Field which contains the visitor's email address, then add a subject line and the "Thank You Message" they will receive. This message can also be customized, using the information entered by the visitor. See the "Replacer Function" section form more information. - Notification Email: This is a The Digital Bell-generated email sent to a site maintainer, such as a school or district administrator, with the information submitted in the form. One email is sent for each submission. The default format sends a "definition list," with each field name in bold and the submitted data indented. Your site may be customized to display this differently.
You must enter an email subject and a recipient email address. - Subscribe: This will take the data entered into a field, and add it to The Digital Bell's subscription service. Two field types can be subscribed: email addresses, and cell phone numbers.
On the expanded form, you will be shown fields asking you what type of subscription it is, what subscriber lists you would like the email or cell phone number added to, and what lists you would like to appear on the form as subscription options (ex. School Newsletter, Athletic News, etc.). - Unsubscribe: The opposite of the subscribe action; it takes a user-submitted email address or cell phone number and removes it from a list. Again, you must choose the subscription type (email or cell phone), which lists to automatically unsubscribe from, and select the "unsubscribe" options the visitor can choose from.
- User Information: This is useful if you would like to collect data from visitor submissions and store it in The Digital Bell's database. On the expanded form, you will be directed to select which fields to collect, and what type of information each field contains.
- CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA: These actions are used to verify an actual person, and not an automated "spam bot," is submitting the form. Both actions will display an image with several letters and numbers, which your visitor must correctly transcribe into a field, in order to submit the form.
reCAPTCHA is a more advanced and reliable implementation of this service, however it is recommended to contact to ensure reCAPTCHA is available for your site. All sites will have the basic CAPTCHA service available, however.
- Reservation Schedule: This Form Action is used to integrate a Reservation Schedule with your form. For more information, see the Reservations section.
The following Form Actions are used to implement financial transactions, and transmit sensitive information to your payment gateway. As such, these Form Actions require an SSL Certificate, to encrypt this information. Contact before using these Form Actions.
- Donation: This Form Action is used to collect monetary contributions. Your site will need an SSL certificate to use this Form Action, as encryption is required for the transmission of personal financial information. Contact before using this Form Action.
- Online Payments: This Form Action integrates your online payment gateway (ex. Bank of America) with the form. This is used for "shopping cart" transactions, such as when selling merchendise or event tickets.
- Paypal Transaction: This Form Action is used to enable "shopping cart" transactions on your form, specifically using the PayPal gateway.
Custom Form Actions can be added to your The Digital Bell site, if the need arises. Contact GSL Support to request a custom action for your site.
Once you have added the appropriate Form Actions, your form is complete and can be added to any of your pages.
- Thank-You Email: This sends a "Thank you" email message to the visitor who has submitted the form.
- Finish - Add the Form to a Page
Note: Any other Content Elements (Text Blocks, Image Galleries, etc.) on the page will continue to be displayed after the form has been submitted. For this reason, it is recommended that the form be the only content on the page - as existing content can drop the Thank You message "below the fold."
We recommend instead creating a blank page just for the form, and linking to it from other pages (ex. Click HERE to fill out the form).
- If you will be creating a new page for your form, see Creating a New Page for aditional instructions, if needed. Once you have chosen the title and settings of your new page, click the "Submit" button to view the content editor.
- If you will be adding your form to an existing Web page, first click the "Pages" link, located in the top menu of your Digital Bell Dashboard. Next, edit the page where you'd like to place the form by clicking the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of its title. This will bring you to the page's content editor.
In the content editor, click the "Forms" link in the right margin, under the "Add Content" heading.
Clicking the link will add a Form Group to your page. Begin by clicking the "New Form" button, located at the bottom of the Form Group. This will bring up the "Add Form Instace" window. Here, click the "Select a Template" button, which will display the list of the forms in the Warehouse.
Select the appropriate form in the drop-down menu, then enter a title for the form in the "Title" field (Note: this title is an internal designation, and will not appear on the page). After entering a title, click the "Submit" button to add your form to the page. The public-facing page will then be updated to display the form.
- If you will be creating a new page for your form, see Creating a New Page for aditional instructions, if needed. Once you have chosen the title and settings of your new page, click the "Submit" button to view the content editor.
- Additional Information
Exporting Form Data
Excepting personal financial information entered via the "Donate, "Online Payments," and "PayPal Payments" Form Actions, all data submitted by visitors is stored on your site's database. You can retrieve this information by using the export function.
To use the export function, mouse over the "Warehouse" link, located in the menu at the top of your Digital Bell Dashboard, then click the "Forms" link in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to a page that lists the site's forms. Locate the appropriate form, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title.
In the form editor, there will be "From" and "To" fields, located under the "Export Records" heading in the right sidebar. The "From" and "To" fields allow you to limit the exported data by entering a date range, and only exporting the data submitted during that time. Leave these fields blank to export all form submissions.
Finally, choose either HTML or CSV formats for output. The "HTML" button will produce a readable text file in a new browser tab/window, while the "CSV" button will prompt a download of a .csv file containing the form submissions. The .csv file can be used with spreadsheet (ex. MS Excel) or database applications.
Using the "Replacer" Function
The "Replacer" works by substituting a specific string of text with information that has been entered into the form by a visitor. This function is useful for sending customized "Thank You" emails.
The text string that is replaced will include the "Name" of the Form Field (not to be confused with the "Title" or "Label"). The string is formatted as follows:
${Form Field name here}
For example, if your form includes a field that propts the visitor for their first name, with a "Name" of "first-name," the string would be written:
Furthering that example, after adding a "Thank You Email" Form Action, the opening of the "Thank You Message" field, written as
Dear ${first-name},
would be seen by Mary Smith as:
Dear Mary,
Note that any Form Field that requires the visitor to enter text can be subsitiuted, allowing multiple customization options.
Importing and Exporting Forms
To export a copy of a form in .txt format, mouse over the "Warehouse" link, located in the menu at the top of your Dashboard. Next, click the "Forms" link in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to a list of your forms. Click the "Save" button (floppy disk icon), located on the far right of the form's title. This will save a copy to your web browser's default save directory.
Forms in .txt format can be imported by clicking the "Load from file" button, located in the right sidebar. After clicking the button, you will have the option of selecting a file from your computer by clicking the "Choose File" button, or manually copy-pasting the form information into the "Data" field. After selecting a file or entering the data, click the "Submit" button to review the form information.
After clicking "Submit" you will have the option of retitling and renaming the form. If the form is a copy of an existing form, select a new name and title to prevent having two forms with the same name and title. Next, scroll down the page to view the form's information and click the "Submit" button.
You will now be able to enter new information in the "Content," "Thank You" and "Abstract" fields. Once you have completed these fields, click the "Submit" button to complete the process and add the form to your list. Your imported form can now be edited to add, remove. or modify the Form Fields and Form Actions.
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