
This article will explain how to add events to your calendar. Events can be set on a single date (assignment due dates or dates of tests/exams), or include a range of dates (Spring Break). If you are using multiple calendars, instructions are included for posting events to a specific calendar.

Once an event has been created, it will appear on your calendar in the form of a link. Visitors who click your event links will be presented with any additional information you enter, as explained in the steps below.

Step 1 - Go to your Posts Directory

Begin by clicking the "Posts" tab, located in the menu at the top of your Digital Bell Dashboard. This will bring you to the Posts section, which lists your existing Post Types in seperate blocks.

Locate your calendar-specific Post Type (usually in the format of "Last Name," "First Name" Calendar), and click "Add a new post."

Note: Depending on your site, you may have a separate Post Type for each of your calendars. If this is the case, each Post Type should be titled according to your classes.

Add New Post Link

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Step 2 - Complete the New Post Form

After clicking the link, you will be taken to the "Add Post" form. Follow the steps below to complete the form. Fields and options that are not mentioned can be ignored. 

  1. Begin by entering the name of the event in the "Title" field. The text entered into this field will be displayed on your calendar as a link.

  2. Next, enter the date (or date range) of your event in the "Date" fields. If you are adding a single-day event, the second field will auto-complete. 

    If you are scheduling an event for a specific time of day, uncheck the "All Day?" box. This will allow you to enter a time for your event.

  3. The image section is optional, and allows you to attach an image to your event, which will be shown to visitors who click on the event link.

  4. Enter additional information about the event into the "Content" field. This information will be presented to visitors who click the event link on your calendar. 

  5. Ensure the "Published?" option is set to "Yes."

    • If you have separate Post Types for each calendar (ex. "Smith Earth Science" and "Smith AP Chemistry" Post Types, instead of a single "Smith Calendar" Post Type), or only have a single calendar, this step can be ignored.

    • If you have more than one personal calendar, the "Labels" section is used to select which calendar will display the event.

      Locate and click on the collapsed "Labels" section to expand it. Once expanded, you will find checkboxes for each of your calendars, as seen in the example image. Ticking the appropriate checkbox will post only to that specific calendar.

      Note: If you are using the Labels system for your calendars and no selection is made, the event will not appear.

New Post Form Top Section

Class Calendar Labels Section
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Finish - Click Submit

Once the form is completed, click the "Submit" button to create your new event. 

To edit your event, return to the Posts section, then click the "View the list of posts" link, beneath the heading for the appropriate Post Type. Next, click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) to the left of the Post title. This will forward you to the "Edit Post" form, where you can make changes to the fields and/or option settings. Once you have made your changes, click the "Submit" button to update the Post.

To remove an event, use the "Edit Post" form to set the "Published?" option to "No." This will remove the Post from your calendar, but keep it in your list of Posts, in case it needs to be added back to the calendar at a future date.