
Link Groups allow you to add a set of formatted links to your pages. The following tutorial explains how to create and format Link Groups.
Step 1 - Edit your Page

Begin by clicking the "Pages" link, located in the menu at the top of your Digital Bell Dashboard. From the list, locate the page you wish to add the links to, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the page title. This will bring you to the page's content editor.

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Step 2 - Add a Link Group

Next, click the "Links" item, located under the "Add Content" heading in the right margin.

Add link group

This will add a new Link Group to the bottom of your page. To reposition this group vertically, click the Move icon (four arrows), located in the upper left hand corner of the group, and drag the group to your preferred position on the page.

Move Link Group

To add a title to your Link Group, click the "Click to add a Group Title" text to display the title field. Enter your preferred title, then click the "Submit" button once finished.

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Step 3 - Adding Links

New Links

Once you have added the Link Group to your page, you can begin adding individual links. Click the "+New Link" button at the bottom of the group to bring up the "Add Link" form. 

Add new link

Complete and submit the Add LInk form to add a new link to your group.

Add link form

Title: This will be the linked text that appears in the Link Group

URL: This is the address your visitors will be directed to when the title is clicked

Description: This setting is optional. The text entered here will be displayed below the title, when using the "Default" layout.

External: This determines the default behavior of the link. Selecting "Yes" will open the link in a new window or browser tab, while selecting "No" will open the link in the same window/tab.

Once you have completed the form, click the "Submit" button to add the link to the group.

Existing Links

If the link has been added previously, click the "Existing LInk" button. This will bring up a double-pane selection window. Enter the title of the link in the search field - the results will be displayed in the left-hand pane.

Existing Link Selection

Locate the appropriate link, then click the Select (arrow icon) button to move it to the right-hand pane. You can search for and select additional links, if necessary. Once all of the links have been selected, and are listed in the right-hand field, click the "Submit" button to complete the process.

Submit Links

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The Link Group's settings panel includes three tabs. The "Display Options" tab allows you to update the look and order of the links, while the "Variables" tab is for developer use only (use only if directed), and the Layout tab allows you to place the Link Group within a Page Layout cell.

To begin, click the "Settings" link, located in the upper right corner of the Link Group.

This will open the settings panel. By default, the "Display Options" tab will be shown, and the following options will be available:

1. Template Placement

  • Main Body - Adds the Link Group to the main area of the page.
  • Sidebar - Adds the Link Group to the page's sidebar.

2. Sort By

  • Drag Order - Allows you to manually drag and drop the links to reorder the group (see next section).
  • Title - Sorts the links alphabetically by title.
  • Date Updated - Sorts by the date the link was created or last updated.

3. Layout

  • Default - Displays links in the site's default style.
  • Buttons - Adds a "button" effect to the links in the group.
  • Bulleted - Displays each link as a bullet point.

4. Sort Order

  • Ascending
  • Descending

Note, some sites may have additional, custom made "Layout" options. Once you have finished making chagnges, click the "Submit" button to update the Link Group.

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Optional - Editing Links

To edit a link, begin by clicking anywhere within the blank space to the right of the link title or URL.

This will open the "Edit Link" panel, which contains the following fields and options.

Title: The link title

URL: The webpage address the title will link to. This can be an internal link to a page on your website, or an external link to an outside website. When using an external link, the full address (ex. must be entered.

Description: A short description of the link. This section is optional.

Image: The image option is not currently in use. This option can be ignored.

External: Selecting "Yes" for external links will cause the link to open in a new tab/window. Selecting "No" for internal links will open the link in the current tab/window.

Permissions: Select the users or user groups that should have access to own/edit the link, and set the permission level. Editing this section is optional.

Once complete, click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

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Optional - Updating, Reorganizing and Removing

Links that have been added to the group can be edited by mousing over the link to highlight it, and clicking anywhere within the highlighted area - this will bring up the "Edit Link" form, which will allow you to update the title, URL, and description of the link.

Highlighted Link

Links Groups set to use "Drag Order" (see above) can be manually reordered. To reorder a link within the group, first mouse over the link to display the Move icon (four arrows) in the upper right corner. Next, click and drag the icon vertically to move the link to your preferred position.

Reorder Links

To remove a link from the group, mouse over the link and click the red "minus sign" icon in the upper right corner.

Remove link

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