
This tutorial will explain how to customize your Text Blocks with the "Image Block" layout. This layout allows you to create a row of images on your page, with the accompanying titles and text displayed beneath the images, as shown in the following example.

Image Block 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus quis tortor vitae efficitur.

Image Block 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus quis tortor vitae efficitur.

Image Block 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus quis tortor vitae efficitur.

Image Block 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus quis tortor vitae efficitur.
Step 1 - Edit your Page's Content
Begin by editing the content of the page you wish to add your image blocks to. To edit a page's content, first click the "Pages" link, located in the top menu of your Digital Bell Dashboard. From the list, locate the appropriate page, then click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the title. This will bring you to the page's content editor. Return to Top
Step 2 - Create a New Text Block Group

Now that you are using the content editor, click the "Text Block" link, located under the "Add Content" heading in the right margin. Clicking this link will create a new Text Block Group on your page.

The new group is placed at the bottom of your page, by default. To reposition the new group vertically on your page, click the white "four arrows" icon, located on the left side of the group's blue heading, and drag the group to your preferred position on the page. 

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Step 3 - Create your Text Blocks

To create a new Text Block, click the "+ New Text Block" button, located at the bottom of the group. Clicking this button will take you to the Text Block editor.

In the editor, title your Text Block, then enter the main body of text into the "Content" section (if necessary). Once you have finished adding your text content, click the "Properties" section to expand it. 

Note: Input is required in the "Content" section of the Text Block. If you are creating or editing an Image Block-style Text Block that does not require text in the main body, enter a few blank spaces in this section before clicking the "Submit" button. The spaces will not alter the appearance of the Text Block. A Text Block without any input in this section will appear to load indefinitely. 

In the "Properties" section, attach the image to the Text Block. If you are uploading a new image, click the "Upload image" button. This will open a file browser, allowing you to select an image from your computer. Once you have located the appropriate image, double click the file to begin the upload process. Once the upload is complete, click "Select this image" to attach it to your Text Block.

If your image has already been uploaded, click the "Choose image from warehouse" button. Locate the appropriate image from the list, then click the "Select" button to attach it to your Text Block.

Optionally, you can use the URL field in this section to make the image a clickable link. 

Repeat this step to add multiple Text Blocks to your group, as seen in the example above.

Note: Image Blocks should have a maximum of four individual Text Blocks within the group. To add additional Image Blocks, a new Text Block Group is required.

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Finish - Edit the Display Options and Provide "Alt" Tag Text

Once the individual Text Blocks have been added, click the "Settings" link, located on the right side of the Text Block Groups blue heading. Clicking this link will bring up the "Display Options" tab. First, select "Yes" in the "Display Image" section. Next, select "Image Blocks" in the "Layout" section.

If the "Image Block" size is listed in the "Image Size" section, select this size. Otherwise, select "Featured" from the "Image Size" section. Finally, click the "Submit" button to create your Image Block layout.

Once the Image Blocks are complete, please see "Uploading an Image to the Warehouse - Step 2" for information on adding "Alt" tag text to your images, if they have not yet had this information added. This text is attached to your images, and read aloud to individuals using a screen reader, as well as displayed in place of the image(s) in browsers that have their images disabled.

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Editing Existing Image Blocks

This section explains how to change the text, image, or link, for existing Image Blocks.

Adding More Image Blocks to a Text Block Group

Up to four image blocks can be added to a single Text Block Group. New blocks can be added by following Step #3 above.

Updating Text

The text of an Image Block can be updated, just as a regular Text Block. Begin by editing the page where the Image Block appears, then mouse over the appropriate Image Block to highlight it, and click on the section that contains the existing image/text.

After clicking, the Text Block editor will appear, allowing you to modify the current text. Once the the text has been updated, click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

Updating an Image

To change an existing image, locate and click the Text Block to open the editing window, as explained above. Next, locate the collapsed "Properties" section, and click to expand it. In the expanded section, locate the existing image thumbnail, and the buttons below.

If the new image has not yet been uploaded to The Digital Bell, click the "Upload" button to open a file browser, which will allow you to select an image stored on your computer.

If the image has been uploaded already, click the "Choose from Warehouse" button, which will open a list of the previously uploaded images. Click the "Select" button, to the right of the thumbnail, to attach your chosen image. 

Once the new image thumbnail appears in the preview window, within the "Properties" section, click the "Submit"  button to save your changes.

Updating a Link

To change an existing link, locate and click the Text Block to open the editing window, and click on the "Properties" section to expand it. Here, you should find the URL field, located above the image thumbnail. Enter the full address (http://...) of the page you would like to link to, then click the "Submit" button to save your changes.